Videos of the conference online...

We invite you to watch the speakers' presentations at the following address:

Next topic of the conference will be Latin America.

To be continued...

The organizing committee

Presentation of this colloquium

This international event is organized by:

  • the network S.E.R.I.E.S. of the Laboratoire Communication et Politique -LCP-  of Cnrs
  • the Centre d'Etude et de Recherche des littératures et des oralités -CERLOM- of INALCO
  • the program Justices Images Langages Cultures -JILC- de l'Université Paris 8
  • Laboratory MEDIAR - University Galatasaray
  • CETOBaC - Centre d’Études Turques, Ottomanes, Balkaniques et Centrasiatiques

Why this colloquium?

The development and success of Turkish television series have been a phenomenon in the region of the Mediterranean since the end of the 1990s. New genres have appeared. Entertainment divisions of  the Turkish channels have increased their budgets and purchased numerous new series. The quality of technical characteristics as well as acting performances have improved considerably. At the beginning, mostly soap operas, shot indoors, the Turkish series then began to go to location and construct elaborate outside decors. Limited originally to national audiences, the phenomen has now conquered a wider public in the region of the Mediterranean : Turkish series today are exported to the Middle East, North Africa, the Balkans and Central Asia, all eager to receive alternatives to American or European productions, having become too expensive, or to the telenovelas, often too foreign to local cultural references.

Call for papers is closed

The research committee examined last June the important number of high quality proposals sent. The result of this selection is the provisional programme available in the "programme" section.

>> For more information:


Welcome reception

Mister Hakki Akil, Ambassador of Turkey in France,

invites all the participants to a

Welcome Reception

Thursday, 16th October at 6.30 pm

Embassy of Turkey - Paris 16e

Registration required



LCP / Cnrs


Université Paris 8


Université Galatasaray



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