Series is a Franco-British network under the direction of Barbara Villez. The network has been joined by a growing number of researchers from other parts of the world, all working on television series (fiction). The purpose of SERIES is to make the work of these researchers in different languages and different countries, known throughout the domain of Television Studies and promote collaboration among them. The network also actively seeks to encourage dialogue between the academic world and audiovisual industry.
The Laboratory of Communication and Politics, under the direction of Isabelle Veyrat-Masson, is a unit of the National Scientific Research Center of France. LCP researchers work in the domain of Media Studies, using a global and pluridisciplinary approach to study the role of the media in the public space. LCP members conduct their studies of the content, history, activity and impact of the media in relation to numerous current issues. Recently the work has extended to an analysis of the construction of public images of social issues and the communication of scientific content.
Paris 8 EA 1569 is composed of 6 research groups working in independent domains, but sharing a common interest in theoretical and epistemological research in literature, history, linguistics and translation, relating to the English speaking world, distinguishing in the domain of English studies. Great importance is given to interdisciplinarity in the Humanities and to the intersection of different domains of knowledge offering doctoral students rich experience and enabling them to take advantage of complementary programmes guaranteed by the specialisation of each group, open to other cultures, literatures (French, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Indian) and disciplines (comparative literature, sociology, political science, history, comparative law, philosophy, esthetics and cognitive research).
The original research of the Cerlom resides in the intersection between oralities and literatures guaranteed by INALCO’s long experience in language studies and research. Although research at INALCO is traditionnally organised according to cultural areas, the work of the Cerlom, articulating literary studies with that of world oralities, federates geographical and thematic studies.
La Fémis is a professional school of cinematic studies set up by the French Ministry of Culture and Communication, offering cultural, artistic and technical training in eleven professional areas (production, script writing, directing, image positioning, sound engineering, editing, work, distribution and television series création). Several international programmes are also available at La Fémis : workshops for professionals and a PhD programme. La Fémis is present at the Cannes film festival as well as participating in other French and international film festivals and is a member of the Paris Sciences Lettres (PSL) network.
Formerly the Center for Turkish and Ottoman Studies, this research group is the result of the fusion in 1990 between the Institute of Turkish Studies (University Paris 3) directed by Louis Bazin and a unit specialising in Ottoman history within the Center of Studies on Russia, Eastern Europe and the Turkish domain founded by Alexandre Bennigsen (at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes des Sciences Sociales). The group was christened the CEToBaC in 2010 and is dedicated to the study of both the past and present of Turkish language populations over a wide geographical space. The research conducted by the CEToBaC is not limited to the study of these peoples but also to their relations with neighbouring groups from a political, economic and cultural viewpoint. |